All legal and regulatory information concerning our site
Regulatory and policy information on our site
PUBLISHER: Chalet Aravet - Place de l'Aravet, 05240 La Salle-les-Alpes – FRANCE.
Tel : +33 (0)6 16 96 40 71
R.C.S Fréjus 842 800 450 – TVA FR 41 842 800 450
PRODUCTION : MEDIACO LEVAGE, Service informatique & communication, Espace Jean-Jacques Vernazza 17 avenue André Roussin 13016 MARSEILLE – FRANCE.
Tel : +33(0) – www.mediaco-groupe.com
HOST : OVH SAS, 2 Rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix.
ILLUSTRATION & TEXT : ©Chalet Aravet. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, is prohibited without prior authorisation from the author.
PHOTOS : ©Studio Erick Saillet.

RIGHTS OF THE USERS ON THEIR DATA : In accordance with the Data Protection Act, and the regulations applicable to personal data, the users of this site have the following rights:
- Right of access
- Right of rectification
- Right of deletion
- Right to limitation
- Right to object
- Right to portability
You may exercise any of these rights at any time by sending a letter with valid proof of identity to the following address: Chalet Aravet - Place de l'Aravet, 05240 La Salle-les-Alpes – FRANCE.
The service will then intervene as soon as possible after receiving your request. The service will then intervene as soon as possible upon receipt of your request.
USE OF PERSONAL DATA : CHALET ARAVET only collects and uses personal data that are essential for the proper functioning of the site and the use of its services. The following elements are likely to involve personal data:
- Contact forms
- Reservations
The entire processing of this data is based on the legal basis of consent, mentioned in Article 6 of the RGPD (https://www.cnil.fr/fr/reglement-europeen-protection-donnees/chapitre2#Article6). This consent is explicitly required in the form of checkboxes in the forms on the site. CHALET ARAVET informs you that all personal data that you may communicate to it via this site is intended solely for the company's authorised personnel and will not be transmitted to any third party.